When it comes to upholding the integrity and security of your email communications, SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is the frontline barrier that keeps malicious actors at bay by maintaining a record of all the mail servers authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain. To effectively protect your domain, you need an SPF record that ensures only authorized domains and IPs send emails on your behalf.
As valuable as they are, these records are also slightly complex to decipher. But the good news is, you don’t really need to go through every detail. To ensure that your messages are trusted and delivered as intended, it is important to have a broader understanding of SPF records, how they work, and why they’re a crucial aspect of your email security strategy.
What is an SPF record?
An SPF record is one of the critical aspects of your domain’s DNS settings, as it significantly reduces the chances of your emails being spoofed. By listing which email servers and addresses are authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain, this TXT record establishes an authentication policy that helps verify the legitimacy of your emails. In fact, these records do much more than enhance security; they play a huge role in improving your email deliverability.

That is to say, with a properly configured SPF record, you can help maintain the reputation of your domain, ensuring that your communications are reliable and trusted by recipients, ultimately leading to more effective and secure email interactions.
How does an SPF record work?
A Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record works by specifying all the mail servers that are entitled to send emails on your domain’s behalf. This is done by adding a TXT record to the domain’s DNS settings, which includes the list of authorized IP addresses and domains.
When your outbound email reaches its destination, the receiving server checks it for authenticity before it is let into the inbox. This involves an SPF check to see if there is any existing TXT record in the DNS for the sender’s domain, and then match the IP address of the incoming email with the IPs mentioned in the record. If the server finds an address that matches the sender’s address, it passes the SPF check and will most likely get delivered to the recipient’s inbox. Otherwise, it fails the SPF check and goes directly to the junk folder or is rejected.
Why do you need to add an SPF record?
It’s not like you cannot send emails without setting up an SPF record, but what’s the point of sending emails if they don’t reach their intended recipients or get flagged as spam? By configuring an SPF record, you can not only address all of these problems but also enhance the overall security and reliability of your email communications.

Here are a few reasons why you should add an SPF record to your DNS:
Prevent email spoofing
These SPF records prevent spammers from sending forged emails by designating which mail servers can send emails on your domain’s behalf, therefore leaving a hard time for attackers to forge your e-mail. This reduces the possibility of having your domain used for phishing or spam campaigns to a great extent and hence helps protect the integrity and trustworthiness of your brand.
Improve email deliverability
If you have a well-established SPF record, the chances that your email will go directly to its destination— the recipient’s inbox, get higher. What’s more, when a mail server receives an email, it will check if the email passes an SPF check to make sure it comes from a trusted/verified source. If it does, less likely that the email will be flagged or rejected as spam.

Moreover, it gives the impression to ESPs and spam filters that you prioritize security and follow best practices, all of which work in your favor.
Enhance domain reputation
SPF records allow email providers and spam filters to check that emails sent from your domain are authentic. They assure them that emails received are, in fact, posted through the authorized servers of your domain; this confidence will help in maintaining a good reputation of your domain. This means that your emails are less likely to be blocked or marked as spam, which, in turn, promotes effective business operations and maintains good relationships with your clients and partners.
Implement an SPF record with AutoSPF
Now that you have a better understanding of SPF records, how they work, and why are they an integral part of your email security strategy, it’s your sign to jump on the email authentication bandwagon with AutoSPF. Whether you want to generate a new SPF record from scratch or fix an existing one, our team of experts is here to help! Book a demo with us to get started!